Thursday, April 21, 2011

World of Warcraft Miniatures (WoW Minis): Grumpherys Rare

World of Warcraft Miniatures (WoW Minis): Grumpherys Rare

World of Warcraft Miniatures (WoW Minis): Grumpherys
Dwarf Beast Mastery Hunter
Honor- 5
Armor- 2
Resist- 1
Health- 6
Grand Marshal's Hand Cannon- 1 tick, 2-4 range, 2 physical
Crit- +1 damage
Ferocious Inspiration- Grumpherys has +1 damage while attacking an enemy adjacent to his pet

Hunters Mark- Hunter
Cost- 0
Range- 4
Instant Debuff
Debuffed enemy cannot have stealth. Allies making attacks with printed range of 2 or more may rer

World of Warkraft...

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